

The objectives of Geology and Mining Unit, Uttarakhand, are as follows:

1. To promote local and foreign capital investment in mineral development sector of Uttarakhand.

2. To make mineral based information/data and mineral map available to  entrepreneurs and for mineral exploration and subsequent eco-friendly exploitation of the mineral resources of the State.

3. To encourage the competition in  mineral industry through optimum use of mineral potential.

4. To provide technical information for scientific development of minerals. 

5. To incorporate Mineral Administration including grant of mineral concessions, collection of mineral revenue, ensuring systematic and eco- friendly mining, mineral conservation and to minimize the  environment  damage and ecology of the area.

6. To provide supplementary infrastructure facilities for mineral development.

7. To ensure geo-environmental protection and assisting Nature in maintaining the ecological balance during and after mining operations.

8. To ensure  safety and welfare of the people engaged in mining activities.

9. To generate employment opportunities in remote mineral bearing areas of the State through mining and geological activities.

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